What's Happening at Grace
Grace Calendars​

Other Ministries @ GRACE
At 9:15AM, meet with us before the morning worship service to pray for the needs of our church, our community and our world. Join us at the downstairs welcome desk in the fellowship hall and Pastor Glen Weaver will guide you to the prayer room.
SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDIES meet most Sundays for further times to apply God's truth to daily living. Join any of these groups from 11:20am - 12:00pm after the morning worship service. Meeting locations in the building TBA.
KID'S MINISTRY SUNDAY MORNINGS During the worship service, we offer children a unique experience within a loving environment. Feel free to check in your baby/toddler at our welcome desk. Before the sermon, kids ages 5-8 are dismissed to join Grace Kids. Older children and teens are welcome to participate in the worship service with the adults. If you wish to volunteer with our kid's ministry or nursery programming, please let us know and we will get you started with your clearances right away.
WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDIES meet regularly on the second and fourth Wednesdays of the month from 7-8. Please watch for updates, as there may be other events announced along the way.
YOUTH GROUP meets Wednesdays at 7-8:30 pm each week. Come hang out, enjoy activities, learn from the Bible and pray.
MEN'S MINISTRY meets regularly on Wednesdays from 7-8. Please watch for announcements about other events that may be planned.
KEENAGERS (55+ Group) meets every fourth Wednesday at noon for a luncheon, games and a devotional, led by Pastor Glen Weaver, our Pastor of Visitation. Please email RSVP to glen@gracelanc.org, if you plan to come. There are also special outings on some Saturdays TBA.
TECH TEAM gathers for rehearsal with the Worship Team at 8:30 am Sundays. Contact us to inquire about how you may use your talents and abilities to help with our sound design, video producing and other technological possibilities.
WORSHIP TEAM gathers for rehearsal at 8:30 am Sundays. If you are skilled in the area of a particular instrument or you have vocal abilities and a good ear for music please contact us to find out how you can join the team.